Saturating & Transforming Liverpool City Region with the Gospel

TFH connects, equips & resources passionate followers of Jesus to reach every man, woman & child in Liverpool City Region with the Gospel, seeing the gospel transform every part of it.

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Partner Event
18 October 2024
10:00 AM


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TFH connects, equips & resources passionate followers of Jesus. Discover the benefits of regular support here.

Individual Supporters

TFH connects, equips & resources passionate followers of Jesus

Church Leaders

TFH connects, equips & resources church leaders to lead more effectively, and alongside others.

Church Membership

TFH connects and resources churches to have greater impact and to work more closely with others

Reaching every man, woman & child with the Gospel

Together for the Harvest is a network of individuals, leaders and churches in the Liverpool City Region with a united mission and a love for God that ‘compels us to go with the gospel.’

We connect, champion & catalyse churches across the six boroughs of our City Region to engage in six practical areas to effectively share the Gospel.

Connecting the Region

TFH supports boroughs within our region to fulfil their mission more effectively, to learn from what others are doing, and to connect with what is happening across the city region

Covering Our Streets In Prayer

We aim to see every street in the UK covered in Christian prayer. We hope to encourage as many Christians as possible to not only pray, but get to know their neighbours.

We live in times where with the click of a mouse, we can communicate half way around the World, and yet most of us do not know our neighbours living on our own street.

Find out more about growing relationships in our own neighbourhoods whilst praying for them at the same time by signing up for the Neighbourhood Prayer Network.

Our Blog


The Harvest is Ready

In Ps 110, one of David’s psalms, which unpacks a vision of God’s expanding kingdom, we read this in v3 ‘Your people will volunteer freely

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Working in Partnership

TFH connects, equips & resources passionate people of God to reach every man, woman & child in Liverpool City Region to see gospel saturation and transformation.

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