Updates – May 2023


Updates – May 2023

The Vision of Together for the Harvest. You may be getting this email but do you fully understand the vision of TFH? Do you know how we long to serve our King and further His kingdom in Liverpool Together?

Listen to Nic Harding as he shared the vision of TFH at the evening of Worship and Prayer held at Temple of Praise last month. In the 12 min video below you can hear the purposes of TFH and fully join with us.

Nic giving TFH vision at evening of prayer and worship at ToP 29 4 23

Welcome to Bishop John!

On 22nd April Dr John Perumbalath was installed as the new Bishop of Liverpool and we give him a warm welcome!

After his appointment he said:

“My desire is to see that we are a group of vibrant worshipping, serving communities.

I am delighted and humbled to have received this call to be the next Bishop of Liverpool. I have come to love Liverpool and I look forward to becoming part of the vibrant and diverse communities served by the diocese of Liverpool.

We have many challenges ahead of us, both in the church and society. A pandemic has shattered human confidence and a cost-of-living crisis is staring in our face. Anxiety, fear, and anger take many forms in such a context.

As a follower of Christ coming to lead a diocese that aspires to be a bigger church to make a bigger difference, I want to proclaim and live out a message of hope, peace, and justice. I pray that I will lead a church that is faithful in offering our communities the hope that we have in God, serving the communities by working together well and in partnership with others.

As we are approaching Pentecost, I pray that the same spirit that moved the Apostles and the first Christians in Jerusalem will lead us to be resilient disciples in these anxious and uncertain times.”

We all desire to be part of a bigger church and make a bigger difference in Liverpool! Welcome Bishop John!

Serving the Community

The message we have been hearing from King Charles and Bishop John is about Service.. how to serve others and we do it in the name of Jesus. We want to be Jesus to those around us.

A Frontline missional community has had the opportunity to be involved in building a memorial garden in a local school. They saw the need and reached out to love, support and to serve. They got alongside teachers, parents and made friends. Many hands make light work and the backs ache less! As well as building the garden they are building relationships.

Do you have stories how you are reaching out in your communities? Did you celebrate the Coronation and Eurovision with neighbours and shared the message of Jesus with them?

Please let us know so we can be encouraged and benefit from your ideas. It is a delight to see how God can give us creative ways to love and share the gospel. There is nothing like working hard alongside someone and having real conversations.

Terry Virgo – An Evening of Worship and Teaching

Terry Virgo is the founder of Newfrontiers, a worldwide family of churches together on a mission to establish the kingdom of God by restoring the church, making disciples, training leaders and planting churches. Newfrontiers serves 1,500+ churches across 70 countries.

A well-known Bible teacher, Terry speaks at conferences internationally and hosted the Stoneleigh Bible week and annual Together on a Mission conference in the UK, which drew thousands of delegates from around the world.

Terry has written several books, including The Spirit Filled Church, God’s Lavish Grace, God Knows You’re Human, The Tide is Turning and No Well-Worn Paths, which is his biography.

Sat, 17 Jun 2023 19:30

Frontline Church Centre 147 Lawrence Road Liverpool L15 3HA

Celebration of Pentecost

Join us at 3 pm on Sunday 28 May 2023, 15:00 as we mark Pentecost.

May looks like being a very busy month for the city of Liverpool. First we celebrated the Coronation, then of course Eurovision! Amidst all of this, we might easily forget that May is also the month of the Annual Pentecost Celebration, when as churches across Merseyside, we come together around our two Cathedrals to celebrate this significant event in the Christian Year.

This year, we will be picking up the theme of Eurovision as we remember how people from across Europe were gathered in Jerusalem at that moment when the first disciples were overcome by the presence of the Holy Spirit. We recall how the message of God made sense to them in their different languages and dialects, and as we welcome a new Bishop of Liverpool as our keynote speaker, so we will seek to make our message of life and hope known across our own city. The theme of the service is ‘Many Nations’.

The Pentecost event will start at the Anglican Cathedral and we will walk up Hope Street to the Metropolitan Cathedral. Weather permitting there will be a service on the plaza outside the Metropolitan Cathedral and a party on the steps.

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